For the recent several years, Internet activities are being increased in geometrical progression. According to some data, this growth even gets closer to the exponential form. Commercially active part of Internet users is becoming more and more numerous. That provides new opportunities for business development. The growth of Internet activities means new opportunities and perspectives for businessmen from the whole world. Currently, Your suggestions are becoming accessible in the whole world. This opportunity brings not only positive moments and economic consolidation. Besides the companies decently conducting their business, this opportunity is also traced by some impostors and the people misusing Internet opportunities. Spam technologies are one of such shameful and negative manifestations of misusing network resources and their opportunities.
Our company always supports legal Internet activities. Nevertheless, our company is totally against using spam technologies in any of their manifestations. For using any type of spam, not limited only to the types mentioned below, as well as for using spam technologies in all their manifestations both against one individual and against a group of people, specifically for using:
1. spambots with links to specific resources;
2. junk e-mails and messages;
3. unfavourable information of any kind using network messengers;
4. mailshot distribution on Internet conferences, websites, blogs and other online resources, sanctions are stipulated in the form of blocking the user account found to be using spam techniques.